The training with centrifugal force in the form of kinetic energy is an innovative development in the field of sport and physiotherapy. Instead of conventional weights, you train with flywheels that work independently of gravity. Every movement takes place in two phases: concentric phase and eccentric phase.
The two specific phases are analyzed in the graphics below, wherein we represent example values of the concentric and eccentric energy (who change their direction during a cycle) as numbers in mathematic module, with positive values for both phases.
Phase 1 - concentric movement:
By investing muscle energy to pull on the grip and accelerate the flywheels, they will store kinetic energy.
As soon as the tape is completely unwound, the traction tape will be at its maximum length, it will result a “point of return”, where the traction tape will change its direction of movement and starts to wind up, like an inverted Yo-Yo.
Depending on body tension and training style, the amplitude and speed of the "point of return" can be used as a longer or a shorter "relaxation" of the muscles.

Phase 2 - eccentric movement:
When the tape begins to wound up, it will braked by muscle force. The eccentric phase starts instinctively.
The person who trains cannot remain passive. It will be pulled by the stored kinetic energy with almost the same energy he invested itself to rotate the flywheels and must brake them. That reaction occurs instinctively.
This phase lasts until the traction belt reaches its shortest length and the flywheels are braked at zero speed.
Through acting a new concentric traction, a new cycle will be launched.
(C) AnCo Design 2018
The generated energy can be directed to the desired part of the body through the simple body tension and position. Individual muscles or muscle groups can be targeted trained with the same method. As soon as you get used, understand and are able to control the movement, you can stepless adjust the intensity of the training energy.
Usually, the training FORCE is measured in “kg” and is preset (such as the mass of the dumbbell) or is measured using a device.
When training with flywheels, we have to think about the training ENERGY because we are not working with weights / masses, but with kinetic energy that works independently of gravity.
The values for the training energy that can be achieved with our flywheels are given in the following table, but you cannot get a precise “feeling” from them.
It should be noted that we only physically offer 3, 4, 6 and 8 mm wide flywheels. All other values can be achieved by combining flywheels that can be placed on both sides and (for more than 16 mm) by doubling them using the pulley mechanism we offer as standard.
In practice, however, the training energy during flywheel training mainly depends on the training speed, as shown in the following diagram, which we designed to help you pre-select the disc dimensions depending on the application:
The diagram above shows that training strength of 0 to 100 or 200 kg or more can be achieved with almost any disc dimension if the flywheels rotate sufficiently quickly.
Example 1:
If you want to achieve 100 kg of training strength, you will achieve it very quickly with a 32 mm flywheel at very low training speed, with a 8mm flywheel width (or 2x4 mm) at higher speed, and with a 3mm flywheel only at very high speed.
Example 2:
If you use a 8 mm flywheel, you can reach 25, 50, 100 or more kg, continuously, at stepless increasing training speeds.
Example 3:
If you want to train “speed, coordination, rehabilitation or endurance”, you should preferably select the disc dimensions from “ZONE A”, that is, use 3, 4 to 6 mm wide discs, etc.
Upon our experience, flywheels with a width of up to 16 mm (2x8 mm) are completely sufficient for most users.
The remaining energies can be achieved using the pulley system to double the training energy (which we already offer in the starter package, at no extra charge) and are mainly recommended for ambitious and top athletes.
We do not want to give precise information about the exact performance in kg, as this can only be measured more precisely with a measuring device (which we will soon offer) and depends very much on the temperament, training style, sport or training purpose of each individual user.

Numerous studies confirm the effectiveness of flywheel eccentric training, which is the reason why this method is used by top athletes and for therapy and rehabilitation purposes.
The special element of the flywheel training is the eccentric contraction - a phase that does not exist in training with gravity, which is only limited to concentric contraction.
The interaction between the concentric and eccentric phase also enables faster rehabilitation and prevents injuries.
During the eccentric contraction, greater muscle strength can be achieved.
Eccentric contractions also tire more slowly, which is more efficient from a metabolic perspective compared to concentric contractions. Eccentric training is more effective in increasing muscle strength and more effective in building muscle mass.
The jumping power and core strength are also increased.

Drury, B., Ratel, S., Clark, C. (2019).
Review: Eccentric Resistance Training in Youth: Perspectives for Long-Term Athletic Development.
Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology.

Maroto-Izquierdo, S., García-López, D., & de Paz, J. (2017).
Functional and Muscle-Size Effects of Flywheel Resistance Training with Eccentric-Overload in Professional Handball Players.
Journal of Human Kinetics, 133-143.

Maroto-Izquierdoa S., García-López D., Fernandez-Gonzalo R. (2017).
Review: Skeletal muscle functional and structural adaptations after eccentricoverload flywheel resistance training: a systematic review andmeta-analysis.
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport.

Martinez-Aranda L., Fernandez-Gonzalo R. (2016).
Effects of inertial setting on power, force, work, and eccentric overload during flywheel resistance exercise in women and men.
The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

Hoyo, M. d., Pozzo, M., Sañudo, B., & Carrasco, L. (2015).
Effects of a 10-Week In-Season Eccentric-Overload Training Program on Muscle-Injury Prevention and Performance in Junior Elite Soccer Players.
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 10, 46-52.

Fernandez-Gonzalo, R., Sojka, P., & Tesch, P. (2014).
Chronic stroke patients show early and robust improvements in muscle and functional performance in response to eccentric-overload flywheel resistance training: A pilot study.
Journal of Neuro Engineering and Rehabilitation, 11:150.

Norrbrand, L., Pozzo, M., & Tesch, P. (2010).
Flywheel resistance training calls for greater eccentric muscle.
European Journal of Applied Physiology, 110:997–1005.